

the past couple nights i've had a recurring dream. i'm doing something or other--talking, dishes, laundry, something everyday--when suddenly it becomes hard to breathe.

i slowly transition from dreaming to lucid-dreaming, contemplating if i can or if i should wake up to start breathing again.

i know co-sleeping is dangerous, but sometimes i fall asleep with june on my chest after i feed her and i'm burping her or soothing her to sleep.

each time when i wake up, june has crawled up from my chest to my neck and is pressing her head into my windpipe, keeping me from breathing.

co-sleeping with june is a bad idea.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Co-sleeping actually isn't that dangerous when done correctly. (I was hesitant at first too but it makes such a difference.) http://www.askdrsears.com/news/latest-news/dr-sears-addresses-recent-co-sleeping-concerns I have always felt much more comfortable co-sleeping in a bed verses falling asleep with baby in a chair. Hope you are doing well!

    1. well more dangerous for ME than her lol! she keeps choking me in my sleep!

  2. AH! I agree...that would make me nervous, too! I know you must be so tired, though. Have you tried the Rock 'n' Play yet? Maybe it would help to slowly ease her into the Rock 'n' Play after nursing her in bed?

    1. yes! i love it, we use it as her bassinet. some nights she sleeps great in it and sometimes she does this little fussy noise that isn't quite crying but just isn't settling down until i pick her up and hold her (which is what she did last night)

    2. We're going to use Milo's old one as Linus' bassinet, too. At first I was worried about conditioning Linus to sleeping upright but we can't afford to buy something else and, honestly, babies sleep great in the Rock 'n' Play - so I figure even if he does get conditioned, we managed to wean Milo from it and Milo was extremely high-needs, sooo... I've decided it's worth it. :)
