
Respectable Sins: Discontentment and Unthankfulness

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:: it often arises over unchanging and ongoing circumstances that we can do nothing about

You formed my inmost parts; you knitted me together in my Mother's womb. { Psalm 139:13

Solution: Acceptance
accept your circumstances from God, trusting that He unerringly knows what is best for you, and that in His love, he purposes what is best.

we are to give thanks always and in everything to God the Father in our Lord Jesus Christ { Ephesians 5:20
Give thanks to God in all circumstances for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you. { 1 Thessalonians 5:18

These go hand in hand for me. Bridges, in the book, talks more about discontentment in extreme circumstances; but, I'm ashamed to admit, I struggle sometimes with discontentment in well, lovely, circumstances. We have plenty to eat, a beautiful home, a healthy beautiful daughter, a strong marriage, great family. No physical pains or traumas. God has truly truly blessed us. And even then, sometimes I have trouble with discontentment and unthankfulness. I struggle with it mainly when I see others doing well in an area that I think I should be doing better in, whether its appearance or success or family or money, and I become envious and discontent with my own life. There's another chapter on Jealousy/Envy, so I'll get more into that later, but these two, Discontentment and Unthankfulness, are inseparable for me. When I forget or neglect thanking God for what I have, I become discontent. To work on this, every time I feel that I'm getting that the-grass-is-greener syndrome, I'm going to write a list of 100 things I have to be thankful for. And, mostly, I'm going to work on memorizing these verses--to give thanks Always in All circumstances.

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