
Homemaking & a Visit Home

ah to say this has been a quiet week would be an understatement. the campus is deserted, my boss is out of town, and, thankful though i am to have this job for the past 2 years, i am counting down the days { currently: 23 left! } until i can transition into my New Job: full-time Wifey, Mama & Homemaker Extraordinaire.
and look good doing it?
 though i am, in all this idle time, sometimes apprehensive about those transitional two months--all those days before the baby comes. with us moving at the end of july, i think i should have plenty of nesting and unpacking to keep me busy, but i am still a little apprehensive. after all, i've gotten up every weekday morning and trotted over to the office for the past 2 years, how strange it will be to suddenly stop! i've been the primary financial provider since B has been in school--definitely not something we wanted as a forever-thing--but how will it feel to give that up? will the feeling of not "contributing" be overwhelming?


i am going to keep in mind that my value is based on who i am in christ and not what i do. sometimes i think the complex emotionalness of being a woman maybe makes everything more tangled than it needs to be. perhaps i'm overthinking...


i have a happy { and long } weekend ahead of me: i'm heading south tomorrow to spend the weekend helping my parents sort & pack for their Big Move { and i get to have brunch with Heather along the way! hurrah! }. to everyone's surprise, they're moving at the end of the month, like us, except much further--to sunny florida! my dad got a new&fabulous job there, so off they go!

its strange to think of them moving--my family has stayed put my entire life { my dad has never lived in another city }. i'll miss spending time in the house i grew up in, whenever we come down for visits--and we'll be living much further away now, about a 17 hour drive, which will make visiting a little harder to do. but it will be fun to take the baby to the beach! and my parents have always been the kind that are up for an adventure. i hope to be that way too.


  1. I think it's awesome that your family is moving to Florida! Maybe we can road trip with you guys down there sometime if I'm due for a visit with Christina. She lives in Naples, which is about an hour from Miami. Plus Florida makes a great vacation spot...now your kids can have great memories of summers in Florida growing up!

  2. Oh and I'm very excited about brunch! :)

  3. that'd be awesome! its a loooong drive though! i am excited about taking our baby to the beach this year =)
