
zuzu's 4 month belated checkup

zu had her check up yesterday--15lbs, 7oz (less than i thought!), 26inches long, the picture of health. oh and i found out i'm not supposed to give her her rice cereal via bottle (oops). so we're working on using a spoon; so far zuzu thinks spoons are for Chomping with her TWO little bottom teeth. yes, two! i can't believe it. and also she had to have her immunizations. i hated watching them stick needles in her perfect chunky little legs. we both cried.


  1. Milo loves eating cereal from a spoon; how does Zuzu like it so far? That's amazing that she has two teeth already! I also hate watching Milo get shots. :-( Not looking forward to his 4-month shots next week...he cries like he feels completely and utterly betrayed. :'-(

  2. She has taken to it really well! I let her hold the spoon and she feeds herself a little, albeit messily lol.

    1. Wow! That's awesome that she feeds herself!

    2. Very very messily lol but she gets the general idea
